Thursday, June 24, 2021


Looking within the core: Local and global muscles

What is the difference between local and global muscles?

Local muscle system(stabilization)

The local core stabilizers are muscles that attach directly to the vertebra. These muscles consist of primary type I (slow twitch) muscle fibers with a high density of muscle spindles. Core stabilizing muscles are primarily responsible for intervertebral and intersegmental stability. These muscles also aid in proprioception and trunk control because of their high density of muscle spindles. Examples of the local stabilization system include diaphragm, transverse abdominis, multiifidus, internal obliques.

Global muscle system

These muscles attach from the pelvis to the spine. These muscles act to transfer loads from upper extremity to the lower extremity, provide stability between pelvis/spine and eccentric control of the core. Examples of these muscles include quadratus lumborum, iliopsoas, glute medius, glute minimus.

In the next post we will review sample exercises to target the multifidus, and the Transverse abdominis.

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